- When I delete folders and restart the application, the folders are still there.
- I purchased a lifetime membership via apple pay, but there are some errors. For example, my membership appears as "free" on another device.
- My RClone configurations are not synchronizing with my other devices.
- When I go to the "Trash," I see a loading screen for 5 minutes.
(edited) Hi, Thank you for supporting the project.
1) Can you please let me know what's your S3 provider, if you have versioning enabled on the bucket level and what's the versioning setting in the app settings? Such behaviour can certainly be observed for MinIO with versioning enabled.
2) On your other device (I assume it's an Apple device), can you please go to Settings -> About and click Restore purchases? If there is no Restore purchases button than it means that it's already considered "Upgraded" version. If you refer to: "Free" displayed in Profiles when logged in via e-mail/password account (if you have one), than it refers to plans bought through our website, not in-app purchase. Soon we will better integrate different payment platforms to avoid such ambiguities. Can you please let me know if you can use Ultimate features on your other device?
3) Rclone or S3 configurations aren't synchronizing between devices. There is an export/import feature on the Profiles screen which can be used to simplify credentials migration.
In the future we'll likely implement E2E encrypted credentials sync, but since it comes with a huge security risk, we're quite careful to not rush such functionality before we get other things right.
4) If you refer to S3 bucket and "Trash", this is somewhat emulated functionality based on versioning API. We query such API in order to get the list of so called Delete Markers. There isn't any efficient way to get "Trash" data from S3 directly, so if you have a huge data set and versioning enabled unfortunately this needs to query all versions in order to return meaningful results.
These responses aren't usually slow, but if it's e.. MinIO served from HDD then these get awfully slow.
We're working on a proxy/cache layer which might suit some users (depending whether bucket receives other external/outside writes), but it's not yet ready.
Please let me know if you find this useful and if you have any other problems or feature ideas. (edited)